Customer Information


Because we value the relationship we have with our customers, we have decided to practice responsible use and handling of personal information. We pay great attention to the preservation of your personal data and act in accordance with all applicable state laws on privacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as our internal standards of good business practices. Data may be requested from users in the following situations: When placing an order; By registering a user account; When signing up for the newsletter. In the mentioned situations, the following information is requested from the user: company name, company seat, city, TIN, VAT number, telephone number and e-mail address, responsible person. The above data serve the following purposes: Opening a customer account in the system, Issuing an order for the delivery of goods, Sending promotional notifications. Personal data that visitors voluntarily leave on our site will never be given to third parties. At the user's request, our company will issue a list of personal data that it has about him in its database. At the user's request, our company will delete from the database all personal data it has about him.


Orders placed can be paid exclusively through a payment account, with a reference to the invoice-shipping number, as well as cash on delivery upon delivery of the ordered goods to the address.


The delivery of the order will be made within 10 working days after receiving the payment of the order (except in case of delay in the delivery of the manufacturer and technical problems of the manufacturer). After completing the order, the customer receives an order confirmation by e-mail with a recapitulation of all items. The customer receives the shipping invoice for the goods with the goods. Delivery of orders for end customers is carried out within 3-4 working days, by express mail courier service, according to the valid current price list of the delivery service.

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