Amuerte Gin-Blue Edition

Amuerte Gin-Blue Edition

134.00 KM

Coca Leaf Gin, Blue edition (limited 5000 bottles available worldwide)
• Contents: 0,7l / 70 cl / 700 ml
• Alcohol: 43%

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O proizvodu/About the product

  • Opis/Description
  • Atributi/Attributes

An even more exclusive and unique flavor of its kind, thanks to the considerable use of the Blue Fig.
The introduction of this ancient fruit dates back to the 6th century B.C. by the Greeks. The fig is mentioned by various authors, both Greek and Roman, and, over the centuries, acquired a value from a popular fruit to a luxury product, so much so that from the 15th century A.D. the fig appears very often in customs registers throughout southern Europe, testifying to a flourishing trade with the northern states. Until we arrive in Belgium, the home of gin par excellence, where from the fermentation of the sweetest blue figs, a pure distillate is extracted that perfectly matches the classic botanical characteristics of Amuerte gins that are refined with Peruvian Coca leaves. Colour: It shows a crystal clear colour.
Aroma & Taste: Perfectly balanced distilled gin with subtle bitter flavours of premium coca leaves combined with the best selection of premium Brazilian figs. The taste is complex and has a warm and sweet note. Perfect to combine with a neutral tonic or ginger beer and some fresh figs as a garnish.


Coca Leaf Gin, Blue edition (limited 5000 bottles available worldwide)
• Contents: 0,7l / 70 cl / 700 ml
• Alcohol: 43%

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