Amuerte Gin-Green Ediotion

Amuerte Gin-Green Ediotion


• Coca Leaf Gin, Green edition
• Contents: 0,7l / 70 cl / 700 ml
• Alcohol: 43%

O proizvodu/About the product

  • Opis/Description
  • Atributi/Attributes

With their Green edition (which is a strictly limited edition, and made for the summer), Amuerte have enhanced their signature coca leaf flavour with the Curuba fruit (also known as the banana passionfruit). Native to the Andean valleys (from Bolivia to Venezuela), the banana passionfruit has been cultivated since pre-colombian times by different cultures in the western South American continent. It looks similar to a young unripened banana, but when cut open it has a glistening orange pulp thats studded with numerous black seeds. The flavour is similar to passionfruit (it's from the same plant family), and has a tart and tangy flavour. A delicious summery edition from Amuerte, this is really fresh with a slight acidity - and is packed full of tropical flavour! To fully enjoy the flavours found in this gin it's best enjoyed with a neutral tonic (and we recommend Double Dutch Indian Tonic for this one). Pour 50ml of the gin into a glass filled with ice, and add 100 - 150ml of the tonic. Garnish with the pulp of a fresh passionfruit - or if this isnt available, a slice of pineapple also works!


• Coca Leaf Gin, Green edition
• Contents: 0,7l / 70 cl / 700 ml
• Alcohol: 43%

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